Rosslyn Chapel

The Apprentice Pillar


Rosslyn Chapel sits about 6 miles from Edinburgh. It is as an amazing  example of a 600 year old Gothic chapel.  Built in the 15th Century by Earl William St Clair of Rosslyn, it is adorned with hundreds of varied carvings and embellishments which have puzzled many  in their purpose and meaning over the centuries.  More recently, and since the publication of 'The Davinci Code,' written by Dan Brown, Rosslyn has experienced a resurgence of interest, and not only from the realms of archaology and science, Rosslyn has become a place of magic and mystery as readers of the book vacillate between chosen realities.

As a Christian church but with 'pagan' carvings such as the Green Man, and with dragons sitting gawkily alongside Masonic motifs within its carvings, the chapel is a veritable cornucopia of often conflicting faiths and orders.  The Knights Templars were also said to have set a base at Roslyn - there are carvings of knights and  many rumours  of treasures  hidden deep below the chapel. The Knights Templars occupy a special place in myth and in fact, so it is no wonder they are associated with this extraordinary place!

In metaphysical terms the chapel contains a multitude of fascinating aspects which attract alethiologists both from here  and from distant lands. Is the chapel far more than meets the eye? Is, indeed, The Holy Grail yet to be discovered there? The mystery remains but this  sacred place is truly a wonder for all to see; visitors will always enjoy its beauty and 'energy' which entrances the human spirit.