Two steps forward, one step back?

Our world is now different to the one we felt so comfortably uncomfortable with before, but for different reasons; talking about ‘the weather’ has quite definitely dropped into second spot and, even though we are familiar with our new surroundings, the dialogue each day remains much about the subject at hand. I wonder what we have learned in this last six months?

Well, we have certainly learned one thing: that our media has very little else on its mind other than to put the worst of the worst in front of us, day and night. Kryon has said, several times, that the news channels are only doing what they have always done..and are not really even aware of the fact. Fear is what they are selling, and always have, and it is that very fear that does the greater part of the damage. Switch off the media Kryon says and tells us that in the new ‘quiet’ of planet earth there is an opportunity for Old Souls to assimilate the energy of this moment in time and grow. All is never quite what it seems. Two steps forward and one step back is how we do it, says Kryon.

As I write, Ireland has gone to the highest level of restrictions and Wales is in lockdown. Many local lockdowns are in place with, possibly, more to come. As Lightworkers, Old Souls, we are built to work with every situation facing us; every dark place or situation is an opportunity to shine, to show by example, to smile in the face of challenge. Many have been convinced of apparent plans for control by governments and corporations eager to enslave us in one way or another but the Spiritual amongst us would never subscribe to or be deflected by such ideas and understand that it’s just a last ditch attempt by the ‘dark’ energies to keep control. Light is winning and we are a piece and a part of that Light.

One lovely thing to emerge during this time is the new Healing Wednesday sessions with Lee, Monika and their guests. We can look forward to each coming Wednesday knowing there is something very special in store as Kryon takes us on a journey to meet our true soul self in a visualisation which more real than we may think; Kryon says it will help us to release, to peel the onion layers of our older self and allow for greater levels of health and wellbeing.

Our Monthly meditation (see the home page on the UK website) continues and we send love and compassion to the world whatever the weather so please join us if you can and be a part of Compassion Through Coherence as we gather around the globe.

All will be well, all will be peaceful in our world.


Greaham & the UK team